Wednesday, July 15, 2020


○ Sponsors ○

[Salem] Commanders Coat
 Rigged // Jake & Gianni
 Available @ The Engine Room
Not there? 
Visit the mainstore.  

○ New Sponsor~! Thank you so much  FAKEICON ♥ 

FAKEICON / splash! / 
wearing  splash! / silver chalice /
 At Equal10 until august 5.
After the event, inworld store

♠TF: Bordello @ Mainstore

-More info-

Backdrop:LISP - Mesh - Artemis Fireplace - Dark 
Pipe:[ kunst ] - Seth Pipe / metal 
Hair:Raven Bell - Ezrah Hair [Solids]
Pants: [ContraptioN] Deck Crew Jodhpurs 
Boots: [ContraptioN] Deck Crew Boots


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